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An Accounting


Until Lent of 2019 we had not made a focused effort to ask for financial support when we presented. We kept expenses to a minimum, and those of us involved covered the cost for costumes, etc. Parishes helped with publicity. With our desire to expand into a fuller ministry, we did ask for support for the first time in 2019 and felt blessed by the response.


At this time XIV Ministries has not yet undertaken the legal process to become an official tax- exempt organization.  We would like to do so as soon as possible, but we need to first build a more solid foundation for our ministry and gain more legal expertise and assistance. 


We greatly appreciate those who supported us in 2019. We do want to be good and trusted stewards of the money people have been generous enough to entrust to us. We are committed to accounting for the funds that we receive and demonstrating their responsible use. To that end, this is our initial accounting statement:




$1,100 from persons who attended “XIV from the Crowd” at St. Wenceslaus and St. Patrick’s in 2019.




$700 to MHP Systems for website creation, development and maintenance.


Cash In Reserve:


$400   We have a long list of possible uses but will wait until Lent of 2020 gets closer to decide the highest priority.

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